Waterloo to Red Bud

Conduct Phase I engineering studies, environmental studies, and public involvement to expand IL 3 to 4 lanes from the Southeast city limits of Waterloo to the East city limits of Red Bud for approximately 13 miles.

The focus study area will include a range of alternatives thru and around Red Bud.

Funding request for Phase I Engineering and Environmental Study to expand IL 3 to 4 lanes from south of Waterloo to the east side of Red Bud $8 million.

The Four County Highway Coalition is pleased to announce the Governor has signed the state budget. The budget includes 15 million dollars for costs associated with Phase I of the Southwestern Illinois Connector Highway. The 15 million dollars will be appropriated from the Transportation Series A Bond Fund.

Phase I begins the IDOT planning process for the 4-lane rural expressway from Route 3 in Waterloo to Route 154 on the East side of Sparta, including the design study with public meetings and environmental surveys.

2019-5-21 Capital Bill 2019 IL 3 S of Waterloo to IL 154 E of Red Bud 01.jpg

Kirk Brown, Project Engineer for IDOT District 8, and Carrie Nelsen, Project Engineer for District 9, are pleased to see these planning dollars in the state budget. Once dollars are forwarded to District 8, IDOT will solicit consulting firms to lead the planning.

Thank you, Representative Nathan Reitz for making the budget request, and to Representative Terri Bryant, and Senator Paul Schimpf for their continued support. The work of the Four County Highway Coalition and the Southwest Illinois Connector Task Force is making this highway a reality.

IL Route 3/154/159 in Red Bud, IL

This video shows an areal video of the intersection of IL Routes 3, 154, and 159 in Red Bud, IL. Drone footage provided by DAM Drones, LLC.

Drone footage provided by DAM Drones, LLC.

IDOT Crash Data Report Map

SWIL Conn 8.5X11 Crash Data Map.jpg

DISCLAIMER: The motor vehicle crash data referenced herein was provided by the Illinois Department of Transportation. Any conclusions drawn from analysis of the aforementioned data are the sole responsibility of the data recipient(s).  Additionally, for coding years 2015 to present, the Bureau of Data Collection uses the exact latitude/longitude supplied by the investigating law enforcement agency to locate crashes. Therefore, location data may vary in previous years since data prior to 2015 was physically located by bureau personnel.

IDOT 5-Year Functional Classification Maps

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Monroe County - 2019

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Randolph County - 2019